How Meditation Can Make You a Better Competitor competition Jan 03, 2020

With claims of having the power to improve sleep, achieve goals, develop concentration, aid in disease prevention, and manage stress and anxiety (to name a few), the benefits of meditation are proven time and time again in various aspects health and wellness. 

But did you know that...

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THE BRAVRโ„ข2.0: Increase Athlete Focus competition confidence resilience Nov 05, 2019

In the video above, we talk about why we created the BRAVR™ Method and who it's for.

It can feel overwhelming starting a mental training program with your team, especially if you're also in charge of the Xs and Os.

That's why, we created The BRAVR™ Method.

If you have time to...

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COMMUNITY BLOG:ย Where Do I Even Start With Mental Training? Oct 23, 2019

When we asked our Mental Training for Coaches Facebook group, “For a coach just starting mindset work, what advice would you give them?”, we received a flood of advice. It was exciting for us to read through comments posted by coaches of all age groups, sports, levels of...

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Why Would I Want to Stick Out More by Being the Best? (Advice for Coaching Women Part 1). Oct 07, 2019

Why would I want to stick out MORE by being the best?” 

....Said no man EVER (okay I’m exaggerating).

But if you coach women, you know what I’m talking about. Your female athletes don’t necessarily say this out loud, but their subconscious brain is SCREAMING it...

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Are Your Players Too Nice? (Advice for Coaching Women Part 2) Oct 07, 2019

In my opinion, one of the great joys of playing sports is that I can let out my inner bitch without apologizing. (and please don’t email me about using the word bitch… it’s the word that resonates with me.)

But it is an interesting thing isn’t it... when you really think...

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7 Ways To Develop Tough, Resilient, and Focused Athletes competition resilience Sep 24, 2019

Great athletes are not coddled and celebrated into greatness; they are forged through rejection, fatigue, failure, and doubt. Toughness, focus, and resilience are qualities that must be challenged before they can be strengthened. So how do you develop athletes that can hold their own on the...

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3 Ways Gratitude Helps You Perform Sep 09, 2019

Here at Positive Performance, our business circles around one big question:

"How do I perform better?"

The answer isn't so simple, involving a really broad set of answers that reach into various facets of athletic and mental training.

But, in the spirit of this season of giving thanks,...

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8 Ways Becoming a Mindset Coach Will Transform Your Team competition mindset coaching Jul 07, 2019

If you are here, you are probably either already practicing mental training with your team OR you fall into one of the two categories: 

  1. You don't believe that mental training is the fastest and easiest route to higher performance.
  2. You don't know how to train the mind....
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