How to Build a Team that Celebrates Failure and Vulnerability Nov 01, 2021

We’ve all watched our athletes play scared. And it’s not pretty.

As coaches, we have to strike a balance. We have the responsibility to both have high standards for our athletes AND create a safe space to fail.

Because playing scared for the sake of a scoreboard is not the answer.


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4 Tools To Awaken Your Inner Competitor competition Oct 01, 2021

If there’s one question I get asked by coaches all the time, it’s this: “What makes some athletes great competitors while others struggle?”

If I had a simple answer for that question, let’s face it, I would be rich.

Here’s what I DO know: It’s true that...

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The Counterintuitive Way to Set Goals goals Sep 01, 2021

This month’s theme is goals.

And to be honest, I’m tired of talking about goals, at least in the traditional sense.

When I even say the word goals, visions of Instagram memes and caffeinated motivational speakers cloud my brain. This topic is so played out, and it’s hard to...

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4 Myths About Athletes, Rest, and Creativity Aug 01, 2021

What if I told you you had to spend an entire week resting instead of working?

If you’re anything like me, you might groan just thinking about it. You might visualize your inbox filling up and your weight set just staring back at you. You might dread the thought of boredom sinking in and a...

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8 Actionable Tips to Help You Build Resilience resilience Jul 01, 2021

It’s easy to celebrate success. Every PR, every scoreboard that resulted in a W, every risky play that landed my team in the lead. The day I bought my house, signed my first client, and launched The Mindset Coach Academy...

It’s a lot harder to celebrate failure. Or at the very least...

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8 Ways to Harness Your Inner Power confidence Jun 02, 2021

(For Athletes, Coaches, and High Performers)


When you hear the term ‘harnessing your inner power’, does it make you want to roll your eyes just a little bit? Don’t worry! I’m not about to gaze into a crystal ball, read tea leaves, or teach from an old scroll....

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Confronting The Thoughts That Keep You Small (+ Free Worksheet) confidence May 01, 2021

Before a breakthrough always comes a moment of radical, painful honesty. A moment where we speak truth to ourselves, admit our weaknesses, and look our bullshit right in the eye.

Whether you’re silently weeping into your coffee, or flying high on life today, this is that moment. This is the...

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5 Steps to Building an All Star Team (Outside of Sports) mindset coaching Apr 01, 2021

I was the best player on my high school basketball team. As a freshman. 

And it sucked. 

It sucked so bad that I started playing bad to try to not stick out so much. 

That didn’t work either. 

See that’s the thing with sticking out. You either stick out and...

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