Hi, and welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. Today, it is Mental Monday, and we are talking all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it, and how to sell it.
Hi, everybody, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson. I want to talk about the importance of team today. It's Mental Monday. I'm just going to give you one little tip, something quick. Sometimes with podcasts, there are things that are sort of a long time coming, and this is one of them. Sometimes, there are just things that pop up into my head or start coming up all of a sudden, a lot. This is something that has been coming a lot, but it's also been a long time coming.
That makes sense. One of the things that I've noticed in my communities, and this is probably one of the reasons that I love my community so much, is it's filled with people that are involved in sports, a lot of times athletes, former athletes. What is consistently surprising for people is how good it feels to be on a team again.
I love this for them, and I want this for you if you don't have it. I tell you this because we all hear about loneliness, and it's so dangerous for our health, and it's this epidemic. I think it's really hard to recognize in ourselves if we're around a lot of people, because I'm not exactly just talking about loneliness in the sense of you don't have friends, you don't have people to talk to. I'm not necessarily talking about that, although our communities provide that too.
It's more of the support of a common goal. I think that this is really important because, like for me, for example, I'm not lonely. I could be entrepreneurial lonely, which is another topic, and I can talk about that too, but I'm not lonely because I have a lot of friends, and I have my family, and my kids, and in the pursuit of goals, that is different than those relationships. Now, our communities, everybody has their own business, so it's not like we're necessarily working on the same goal together. We have our individual goals, but it's still a shared experience. It's almost like being on a team that's an individual sport, if that makes sense.
But we're doing all the conditioning together, for example. We're doing all the entrepreneurial stuff together. We're brainstorming. We're coaching. We're supporting each other in our individual goals. I bring this up because is it feels like so many people that come to our communities are like hungry to be on a team again because it doesn't exist that much outside of sports.
But it does if you look for it, but it's just not, it's not a given, I guess is what I mean. Like as you get into like normal life with kids and jobs and all the things, like maybe you have a sales team at your, ever you feel like a team at your work, maybe. Your kids are probably on teams, but you as an individual, do you have a team that is supporting you in goals?
Whatever those goals are. Anya, one of my, she helps me write, she's one of my editors. She has a writing community. And I think about those women, I think it's mostly women, and how good it feels for them to be on a team. I know CrossFit or workout groups, like people are attracted to that.
Yes, they could work out on their own, but they like being on a team, right? And so I just think again, for a lot of us in our day to day life, we have to seek those things out. And really what I'm talking about is community. But as an athlete, I think the team verbiage and the team feel and the like, the sense of getting a high five from somebody and doing hard things together. It's a little bit different than community. Just a little bit, sometimes.
They can be one of the same. But for me, like being on a team, like is there anything that's looking better? Really, is there anything better than being on team?
So here's my message to you. If you don't have a team, if you don't have not only a community, but a place where you are going to get support for your goals, find it. Look for it. Seek it out. It is so, so, so important. All right guys, see you next week for the Mindset Coach Academy. Bye for now.
Speaker 3: Hey guys, if you've ever thought, had just even an inkling of a thought about becoming a mental performance coach, it's likely that you also had some questions about that. Like where would I get clients? What would I teach them?
What would I charge? Can I do this without getting another degree? If you've ever had any of those questions, I have really good news for you because I've answered all of them in a free 60 page book called How to Become a Mental Performance Coach even without your sports psychology degree.
I go into all of these questions and so much more in this book. And the best news is it's totally free. Go get your copy of How to Become a Mental Performance Coach at positiveperformancetraining.com forward slash guide. Thank you.