Hi, and welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. Today, it is Mental Monday, and we are talking all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it, and how to sell it.
Hi, guys, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy. My name is Lindsey Wilson, and I want to talk about vulnerability today. Yeah, it's going to be like a BrenƩ Brown type thing here, but I want to talk about it in a little bit different way.
We had our Mindset Coach Academy retreat, and we're going to do a whole podcast on it. One of the things we did is we did a circle. We sat circle together, and we actually did it in front of around a fireplace, which was really cool. Outdoor fireplace was absolutely beautiful.
Pacific Northwest in the fall is amazing. Anyway, we all talked about something very significant that was either happening or has happened to us. What I want to talk about today is just the reminder not only of how vulnerability allows us to be seen and accepted exactly as we are and really the power in that, but more importantly, not more importantly, another piece to this is how I think for myself at least, a lot of times I think of vulnerability as, I think of it as scary for sure, but also as like, I'm taking up space for me. But what I found and the more that I'm able to let go of that thought and be vulnerable is how when I'm vulnerable, it shows other people that it's okay for them to be vulnerable, too. And people did that for me in many aspects of my life, certainly in the retreat. And again, I think today I just wanted to remind you that again, the vulnerability of like really showing yourself to somebody else, it is such a gift to them.
Because again, it allows them the space, whether they take it or not, to be vulnerable and be seen also. And somebody has to go first, guys. Somebody has to go first. Somebody has to be the one to cut the bullshit.
Otherwise, we're just talking surface, right? Which is like, oh yeah, good, good, good. Oh, you're not busy, busy, right? Everything's busy. Kids, how do kids go? Good, good, good.
Yeah, you know? Instead of like getting to the heart of like freaking life. So that is my challenge for you today. Is there an opportunity? Or I should say where is the opportunity for you to be vulnerable? And I want you to think about it in a generous way.
Like I am doing this to show other people that it is okay for them to show their true self and that it's safe here. They are also able to be seen with everything. And what a gift that is to them. All right, guys. That's all I got for you today. Hey, I got an idea though. If you liked this episode, click the share button, send it to that friend that you like to be vulnerable with.
Yeah, let's do that. And also, if you haven't, or you haven't in a long time, come on over to the podcast and leave us a rating and review and hit the subscribe button. All of those things help so, so, so much. And I appreciate you for taking the time to do that. All right, guys. We'll see you next week for Mental Monday. Bye for now.
Hi, guys. Lindsey here. If you love this podcast,
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And the third would please share an episode that particularly resonated with you with someone that you love. You'll be doing them a favor, I promise. All right, guys. Thanks so much for listening and we'll see you next week. Bye for now.