Hi, and welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. Today, it is Mental Monday, and we are talking all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it, and how to sell it.
Hi, guys, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson, and today I'm going to talk about mediocre goals. Okay, so we are doing a 90-day boot camp in our Insider program. So people graduate from the certification, and then they start in our Insider program, where they really learn how to dial in everything they learned in our certification. We're really focusing on getting and retaining clients. It is business building, and there's a whole range of people.
There's people that just graduated, they're just starting, and there's people that have nearly six-figure businesses. And so one of the things we do is we do a 90-day boot camp. And just to get people familiar with all of our resources, we take them through a six-step process. And one of the things we kick off with is a very realistic goal that they can dial in for the next 90 days.
And counter to what you might think. I really encourage people to not set big goals. So one of the things that happens with goal setting is we're taught to set these really, really big goals.
And we forget the realistic timeline, especially for those of us that might have day jobs, or kids, or parents, or dogs, or life. And we try to cram in these goals, and then it doesn't happen. And we kind of think, well, what's wrong with us?
And it really erodes our confidence. And so one of the things that we do in our certification is we really talk about mediocre goals, like realistic goals with a realistic timeframe. Now, I love big goals, and I will sit with you and help you and believe in big, wild, crazy goals. There is a place for that, and we have that in something we call the three-year plan. But what that does, if you're not ready for that, is it activates your nervous system, and you start finding all the evidence for why you're not good enough.
And I just got an Instagram message from one of my students that said, thank you for allowing me to just have a regular old goal. I have kids. I have a job.
Like, I can't... This is not going to be like my home run six months of my life. And knowing that that's okay, and that maybe there is a time and a place for the home run goal, but right now, I just need to learn the basics, calm her nervous system, and allow her to actually do way more than the big, scary, crazy goal.
So, this is my message to you. It is okay to have a realistic goal. I think you should always have goals.
I think those are important. But paying attention to how it makes you feel. Does it activate your nervous system? Does it make you feel like shit? Like a goal should not make you feel like shit when you look at it. It should motivate you. It should get you excited.
And can it be uncomfortable? Absolutely. But should it make you feel like, oh, no, that's never going to happen. Why do you even try? No, because your brain's not designed to invest in things that it's not going to work out. So it'll actually work against you if you set these big, big, big, big, big goals at times when maybe it's not realistic. So again, for our 90 days, we set a realistic goal.
And here's the cool thing about that. You can accomplishment. Accomplish it. And we're going to have the scaffolding and the support to help you accomplish it. And then you're going to have the self-belief in yourself that when I accomplish or when I set goals, I damn well accomplish them. And that is the boost that we want you to have.
And by the way, once you learn how to make that small mediocre goal, you can do it over and over and over again, faster and faster and faster, but we have a strong foundation where you're not working against yourself. You're not calling bullshit on yourself. You're not feeling bad about yourself. You're empowered, you believe in it, and you're ready to get to work.
That's what we want for you in any goal setting. And that's not really taught, right? Like we're taught to have these big, huge goals and it's like, well, shit, I can barely get my kids off to school and get some exercise in.
And like they're seasons of life. The big, big goals are not realistic. Let's just be real. And they work against us. And I don't want your goals working against you. I want them working for you. That's what it comes down to.
We want goals that work for us, not against us. So here's my giving of permission. You didn't need it. Here's my giving you permission to set a mediocre goal. But here's the other thing. Here's the thing that I really want you to hear. If you set a mediocre goal, commit to getting the thing done. Because that's how you're gonna build a self-belief. Like come hell or high water, I'm doing this thing because I know that this goal is realistic. That's how I want you to feel about your goals. But really do keep yourself to it. Okay?
So that's my PSA for today. I hope this was helpful. Hope that you subscribe so you get all the updated Mental Mondays. And thanks for spending some time with me. All right guys, bye for now. See you next week.
Hey guys, here's what I want you to know. If you are a coach or a parent that wants to implement mental training with your team or with your athletes, it can be easy to get over overwhelmed. It can be easy to be like, oh, we need to bring in a mental training coach or I need to get certified or we need this whole program. And what I will tell you is yes, that's great if you have the time, the energy, the money to do that.
And if you don't, that's okay. Start with one thing. Now what is that one thing you might ask? I'm gonna tell you exactly what to start. And it is with a pre-practice mental training routine.
The good news is we teach you exactly how to do that with our most popular tool of all time called the braver method. Now, I hear from coaches all the time that have implemented this, many of them for years and they have seen such results in their practices, having their athletes more focused, more resilient, more ready to improve with every single practice. Cause you guys know, it's like, okay, you start practice, maybe you have like a good physical warmup and like maybe the athletes are there mentally, but like maybe they're not. And we expect that at some point they will, but how much time is wasted between practice starting and when it like finally clicks that they're ready to practice.
And sometimes that never happens, right? But I hear that a lot from coaches that like the first little bit of practice mentally is just kind of a waste. It takes a lot of time and energy to get the athletes ready. And what I will say is with the braver, it is designed to help them focus from the jump. So if you're wondering where to start with mental training, I've been doing this for 18 years and I will tell you unequivocally, start with the braver. And what it is is a pre-practice routine that includes breath work, visualization, affirmations, a reset word. It includes so many of the tools that we teach in one simple, simple, simple, simple five minute exercise. Now it does take a little time to set up because I'll have you do a workshop with them where they decide their affirmation.
But once you do that, you're gonna watch all this stuff yourself, then you're gonna do the workshop with your team. Then you have this five minute routine. That is you can use every single day for every practice, for every game, and your athletes know how to use it.
Many of them will use it for like tests and other things in life once they learn how to do it. So it is $39, it's on our website. I'll put the link in the show notes as well. If you go to positiveperformancetraining.com and click on courses, you will see the braver. It is by far our most popular course of all time and thousands of athletes across the country are using it.
It is simple, simple, simple to implement. So if you're looking for something to do, do not wait till next season. Do not wait until you have all the money and all the time to do the whole meal deal of mental performance training. That would be great and maybe you'll work up to that.
But right now, what can you do today and this week? It's simple, get the braver. We also have a money back guarantee, so if that's on your mind, just let that be. We got you, it works, you're gonna love it. Go to positiveperformancetraining.com, go to courses, get the braver, get your hands on it and start implementing it today.