Hi, and welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. Today, it is Mental Monday, and we are talking all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it, and how to sell it. Hi, guys, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson, and it's Mental Monday.
All right. What we're talking about today.
This came up with a couple of my students recently, and I thought, God, this is like really, really good advice. And I can't tell you who it was because it's about people that want to or are going to leave their job, but shout out to the people they know who they are that talked about this. So we were in one of our group coaching situations, and there are more than a few of our mental performance coaches that are wanting to or on their way to leaving their day job.
And this is pretty common. Some people come through a program and are in between jobs or unemployed or took time off to have kids, and now they're ready to get back into the workforce, and they want something part-time that turns into full-time. Some people, many people have full-time jobs.
Some of them never want to leave their job. They just want this as a side thing. But a lot of them want to do this and get it going. And then someday, when they get it to a certain level, leave their day job and do this full-time. So these two women were talking about this. One of them is about to leave her day job and do mental performance training full-time. And one of them doesn't know when, but is itching to do it.
OK? And so the first woman was talking, the second woman, who doesn't have a set plan yet, but she's getting there, is frustrated with her day job, right? Because the hours that she's there feels like I could be working on my business. And that's frustrating because that's really where my heart is. That's really what I want to be able to do.
And I want to do it full-time and like, let's go, right? And the first one was talking about really like focusing on getting what you can out of the situation that you're in. And so what she was talking about was like the situation that you're in with your job right now, what can you get from it?
How can you grow? What are the opportunities within your job that are going to help you in the future become the person that you're trying to be? And like almost like turning it into like, I'm not sitting here, the victim of this job. I'm sitting here as the person that is going to take as much as I possibly, not a negative way, but like take and get everything from this. I'm going to push myself. I'm going to work on my mindset.
I'm going to network. I'm going to work on all my mental performance skills. I'm going to coach people. I'm going to get practice in public speaking, like all of it.
Like I'm going to learn about how they're doing marketing over here in this work. Like she was like, just figure out how you can learn. Exactly where you are right now, what can you learn that's going to help you later and really in everything that you do. But in particular, this is your goal is to be a mental performance coach. Being a mental performance coach is not just being a mental performance coach. It's also sales, marketing, people skills, network, you know, like all of these other time management, all of these other skills. How can you learn any bit of that in your current situation?
And I thought, I sat there and I listened to her give this advice and I was like, that is amazing advice. Like so many of us find ourselves in situations that we don't want to be in. I mean, I remember seasons when I was playing on teams that I didn't want to be on. That happened pretty rarely, but it was like, it was a good, like for example, just like wasn't a good situation.
Like maybe the coach had changed like a bunch of times and, you know, like it was just kind of a crappy situation. And I thought, and I remember thinking sort of something similar of like, well, how can I grow? What can I learn?
What are the opportunities here? But what this one was saying was even more powerful because it was like, how can this situation help me with the goal that I really want? Because that was her frustration, right? It wasn't that her job was so terrible.
It was that her heart was somewhere else. So it was just such great advice. And I think, again, whatever situation that you're in, if you have a goal that isn't, because the problem, right, is that it feels like what you're doing is a waste of time. I mean, that's really the heart of this frustration is like, she's at her job and she feels like it's not helping her grow to be the mental performance coach and entrepreneur that she really wants to be. But that's not really ever true, right? Because whatever situation that we're in, even if it's not directly related to the career that we want or the thing that we want, there's still something there. There is still opportunities for us to grow, even if it's in being in discomfort, right? But that aside, there's always other things, other skills that she can develop. So then it really helped her feel like her current job is, is going to lead to that job that she really wants. So her time is not in vain.
It's not a waste of time. She is sucking it dry in a good way, right? She's sucking that opportunity dry to help her grow. So I hope this was helpful for you, or at least some of you, for if you're in a situation that you don't really want to be in, or maybe you just need a refresh and like, thinking about how you can grow. Maybe it's been a little stale or a little boring or you're a little burnout. Like, how can you kind of flip the script and say, how can I grow in this situation that we are always becoming who we are meant to be?
If we have our eyes open about the opportunities in front of us all the time. So I hope this was helpful. We'll see you next week for Mental Monday.
Bye for now. Hi, guys, Lindsey here. If you love this podcast, I want to ask you to do three things to help us and to help us grow mindset and mental performance coaching. The first is to subscribe to this podcast. It helps us and it helps you because you'll never miss an important episode.
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