All right, guys, real quick, the mental game plan, our six week mental training system for coaches is opening mid August. It's open probably right now if you're listening to this. So go to, forward slash mental game plan or just go to our regular website.
All the information is there. It's limited to 20 coaches and this is a live training. So this is who this is for. If you are interested in mental training, you're interested in mental performance training, you've been trying to implement it with your teams. You see the problem in front of you with your athletes and you're trying to solve it on your own but you're getting overwhelmed, frustrated and you're like, gosh, if someone would just tell me what to do, if I just had a system, this would be so much easier. This is it. This is the system. This is the curriculum. It is everything you need to be able to teach mental performance to your athletes and nothing that you don't.
Check it out more at Again, if you want in, look soon because we're going to fill up and we are going to close. So check it out also in the show notes below. Hi, guys, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast.
My name is Lindsey Wilson and it is Mental Monday. Guys, this Mental Monday is like just a quick little reminder to get back to a routine that works for you. And I'm telling you this because I am constantly amazed at how often I get off track and how simple it is for me to get back on track with the right process.
So I'm recording this. It's mid-summer. Kids are out of school. So a lot of my routine and the amount of chaos in my life is determined by my kids. But you may have other things in your life that throw you off. And there's just different seasons of the year that throw you off and holidays and time off and whatever.
It doesn't really matter. But I really want you to think about if you are off and for me, the off often feels like chaos. Now, I can operate at a really high level of chaos, but I go to the other side and actually to some degree, I operate well with chaos.
And by chaos, I mean like a lot of things to do. But it tips over really fast. And when it tips over, I feel like I have so much to do. I find it difficult to prioritize what to do. And this is what I do to get back into the routine. And it's really like a five or 10 minute thing that helps me calm the chaos in my head so that I can accomplish something.
And then I get the momentum of that. And I think that that's just really hard to do when there's a lot of moving parts in your house. I was talking to somebody in the Insider Program and they were going through a role model in their house.
And so that's just one example. But you may be changing jobs, kids are out of school, in school, whatever. If there's a lot of moving parts or a lot of chaos around you, sometimes it's hard to like anchor down to one thing. Now, for me and for my students, we do something called the Daily Mindset Beast. I'm not going to talk about that today because I've talked about it in other episodes. But I am going to talk about five things that like really help me and they're from the Daily Beast. I'm just not going to go into every single piece that helped me sort of like gather myself in the midst of chaos to get back to routine. And you may have the same things.
You may have different things. But I just want to share it with you because you'll see how simple it can be. And for some of you, it may be as simple as getting outside for a walk. It may be writing your to-do list.
It may be exercising first thing in the morning. Like whatever it is, as I'm saying this, you're probably like, oh yeah, that's why I'm off. That's why I'm off. And again, this is where like our groups, our masterminds and our certification groups really help because even as the coach or as the teacher, sometimes I'm like, oh yeah, well I'm off again and I'm getting back to the thing that I teach. And so let this be your reminder. And also not only your reminder, but I think also your hope that like change is really can happen really fast. The things that have worked for you in the past, I don't know why our brain like forgets them. Sometimes you just need a friendly reminder. So maybe this podcast is the friendly reminder.
Okay, so for me, again, this is from The Daily Beast, but I'm just gonna give you five sort of overview things. For me, any kind of writing, so like I'm gonna sit down at my desk, any kind of writing that like helps me clear my brain, even just like random stuff. A lot of times I will type things out because I'm writing content, I'm writing like our newsletter, that sort of thing.
And none of it's perfect, none of it's probably even really good at that point, but it's just writing, just getting in, getting my thoughts onto the paper can be really helpful. The second thing that I do is the braver. Okay, so if you've been in our community at all, you know the braver is not only our pre-practice routine, but it is our routine really for anything, for accomplishing your goals. Okay, so I say my affirmation to myself, I do the braver. Now what this does is it brings me back to like the entrepreneur that I am, that I wanna be, that I'm working towards and affirming, excuse me, affirming that in myself today, for the tasks I'm gonna do today.
And when I'm visualizing it, it's putting me in that mind state. Okay, the third thing is reviewing focus areas and our goals. So for us in our Insider program, we have a six month focus areas. So any of your tasks should be falling into one of these three categories, okay? So reviewing those can be really helpful because if you're sitting down, you're like, what am I gonna work on today? What am I gonna work on? Well, the three focus areas should be sort of the lens on which you're deciding your tasks, right? Because if you're, and also if you can't remember them, we need to be writing them down.
We need to have them on our desk so that we can see them. Otherwise, things do get overwhelming and the wave comes and we're like, oh God, I don't know what to work on. You do know what to work on if you've done the three focus areas. But regardless of whether you're in our program or not, writing down your goals or your focus areas or the things that you're prioritizing and step three can be really, really helpful. Then once you've done that, so you've gotten some thoughts out of your head, you've gotten your mind right with the braver or some visualization, you've gotten your focus area or your goals, then we brain dump all of our tasks. So for me, I do life tasks and work tasks on the same page with a line down the middle. I can't separate sort of what's in my brain or rather that helps me separate what's in my brain so I need to get it all down at the same time. And the fifth thing, and this is something that I struggle with, but when I do it, it's goals is time blocking. So I'm looking at those tasks.
I'm going through another process that I again, I'm not gonna talk about right now. We call it 5Ds. All of my students do it to help prioritize what to do. And then we time block. Again, five, I don't always do it, but when I do, it is so helpful. Okay, so we're doing any kind of writing. Step one. We're doing the braver, any kind of brain work. Step two, we are doing our focus or goals. And step three, then we're brain dumping all of our tasks. And step four, and step five, bonus is the time blocking. Come over to Instagram and let me know what your solid routine is, whether that's morning or just getting your day started.
For most of you, I would bet it's be morning. But these five things really help. Again, if you're interested in learning more, we talk about it in the certification, in all of our programs with our students. We talk about something called the daily mindset beast.
This is some of the pieces of it. It's really helpful. And again, let this be your reminder to get back to what has worked for you. When you're feeling that chaos in your life, get back to a routine that has worked for you. Taking five or 10 minutes can make all the difference between feeling like things are crazy around you and they still may be, but finding that piece within yourself. So come on over to Instagram and let me know if this worked for you or what you would add or what you do.
I'm so curious to help you, to see what helps you kind of anchor your day and get back into routine. All right guys, bye for now. We'll see you next week for Mental Monday.
Bye. Hey guys, come on over to Instagram and connect with me @lindseypositiveperform. You can tag me in stories. You can send me an audio message or a direct message. I post stuff like sometimes stuff related to mental training. Other times I post my granola recipe or my crazy salads because I'm all about the salads, the full fat salads mind you. So come on over to Instagram and connect @lindseypositiveperform. I'd love to connect with you on Instagram.