Hey guys, real quick before we get started today, I wanted to make sure that you knew about our three day summit. If you're an aspiring mindset coach or even ever just thought about being one, wondered if you could do it, wondering how to get started, all the questions are coming up for you, including all the doubts. I want you to come to our three day summit. I'm here with my little daughter, Gracie.
Can you say hi? Hi.
And I wanted to make sure that you knew about it. It's February 20th, 21st and 22nd. We're on noon Pacific time every single day.
And you guys, again, if you've ever wanted to be a mindset coach, you do not want to miss this. There's also replays available through that next weekend. So if you miss one of the days or anything like that, you can watch it that weekend.
So register. We're going to put the link in the show notes, but you can also go to positivereformatestraining.com forward slash mindset coach summit. I'm going to be on all three days with some of our certified coaches. We're also going to have a lot of times.
It's going to be a workshop style. I'm going to answer all of your questions live. So I'd love to see you there.
Click the link in the show notes or again, go to positiveperformancetraining.com forward slash mindset coach summit. I can't wait to see you at our three day summit.
Hi, all. And welcome back to the Mindset Coach.
My name is Lindsey Wilson. And today is Mental Monday. What I'm going to do today is I'm going to tell you a little story. And the reason I'm going to tell you a story is because our subconscious brain understands stories. Stories are so powerful. The great thing about stories is no one's telling you what to do or how to act or who to be. You just take from the story what you need. So I'm going to tell you the story. While I'm recording this, we are before Christmas, probably by the time you listen to it, it'll be after Christmas. But essentially in my house, it is on. I have four daughters, Joanna, who's eight, Maxine, who's five, Gracie, who is almost four in a couple of weeks, and Charlie, who is 16 months old and up for anything and along for the ride.
Okay. My three oldest are all about Christmas. I mean, to the point where my daughter will be like dysregulated and then she'll be like, oh, wait, I got, okay, I got to be good because Santa's watching. You know, like we're in it.
It's great. And she was all about decorating. We had had like a week where we were said we were going to get a tree and we hadn't yet. And this was the weekend we were going to go do it. So we went and got the tree. But for those of you that get trees and celebrate Christmas, you know that it is about a four step process. And I have always enjoyed getting a tree in the house, or I should say having a tree in the house, but the getting it there is not my favorite. And you know, it's okay, but it's like, you know, it's like all the steps and all the cleanup and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right?
So first step for me was getting the house somewhat organized and making space for the tree because we just don't have a lot of space in our living room. And so we did that on one day. And the next day we actually got the tree. And, you know, that was a whole thing, but it went to a charity. So, you know, that was nice. And we got the tree on top of the car and I left it there overnight because it was late.
It was dark by the time we got home. And I was like, this tree, no, it's taking the tree. This tree's staying up here. So the next day, my oldest was like, we need to get the tree in the house because I want to decorate it. And I was like, okay, fair, but I am doing this right now.
So if you want to, you can go do it. Don't you know that my eight-year-olds got, you know, recruited my five-year-olds. They got outside. They opened both sides of the car. They got the scissors. They cut it down. They were trying to push it to each other. They got the picnic table. They pulled that up to the car so they could get up a little higher.
The tree was basically stuck on top of our suburban, which is really high. And so she was getting a little frustrated, but she was like, no, I want to, and she was kind of like, mommy. And I was like, if you want to get it down, you get it down. And I could see the wheels turning in her head. Like she was like, the goal is to get the tree in the house. I want to decorate it.
I don't know how to do that. But the goal that is going to happen come hell or high water. Like I could see her brain like just determined that this was going to happen. So she ended up climbing on top of the car, which is really against the rules in our house. But whatever, she's solving the problem.
Okay. So, and then she like drags it to her sister, her five year old sister is like on top of the picnic table, pulling the tree off. So finally I go out and I help them get it up the stairs.
Okay. So we get up to the stairs, but it's all wet. So I'm like, it's going to stay here until we can bring it inside and get, you know, everything cleaned up.
She goes and she gets the, my oldest, Joanna goes and goes and gets the tree stand, which we have like one of those old school tree stands that I swear to God is like 25 pounds. Like I'm not even exaggerating. Like I can barely lift it.
I can lift it, but it's awkward. And so she goes and gets it. She brings it into the house. I get the bag and put it down or whatever. And I'm thinking in my head like normally when we're doing this, my husband and I, it takes both of us, both grown, former collegiate athletes to get the tree in the stand and get it, and get the water in and get it tightened. And like hopefully we're not fighting about the angle and like making sure that it's straight.
It's a whole thing, right? But again, my daughter, my special, my oldest, but my five year old too, they were like, oh no, this is happening. And I was like, okay, or you could wait for daddy to get home and he can do it. But if you want to get it done, they're like, nope, this is getting done.
And in my head, I'm thinking like, I don't know if they can do it. Like you have to lift it up, right? And like put it in the stand. Then you have to tighten like the rusty things at exactly the right angle and like get in it.
They got it in. They had me tighten it at the very end and that was pretty much it. Then they started putting the lights on and I showed them how to connect them. And that was pretty much all my role. And mostly I was in the kitchen and I was like doing dishes and doing life. And I tell you that story.
And then of course they decorated it the whole rest of the night and they were so proud of themselves and they were so excited. I tell you this story because it is so great, obviously to see your kids do this, but it is so great in life to just decide what you want and then step by step figure it out. Like if you had told me my five year old and my eight year old could get the Christmas tree off the car and bring it inside and get it into the Christmas tree stand, I would have told you no, they can't do that. But they did it. And they did it because they didn't worry about if they could do it or how they were gonna do it. They decided and then they figured it out. Now they did have my help at certain places and they asked for that help, which is also getting things done. Nobody said you had to do it all yourself, right?
They got help because they asked for it because they got to the place where they needed help and they knew they needed help and so they asked for help. And I just thought, I watched this whole thing unfold and I was like, man, let's all do that with goals in our life. Let's just, it's already decided. The tree is going to be up by the end of the day. I want it up, it's gonna be up. Now, what do I need to do to get it up? What can I do? Where do I need help?
Can I get my little sister to help? This is gonna get done. It's already decided. It's gonna get done. Now I just gotta go do it.
I just gotta put one foot in front of the other and figure it out as I go. That's my story, guys. And I want you to think about how it applies to you. Take what you need and leave the rest, okay? Take that story, take out what you need and leave the rest. I hope that you're doing well and I can't wait to see you again next week for Mental Monday. Okay.