Welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. I'm Lindsey Wilson and I am a high performance mindset coach, a mom, a former professional athlete and an entrepreneur. I help coaches and high performers optimize their mindset to improve their coaching, their performance and those of their athletes and their lives. Here you'll learn all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it and how to sell it.
Hi all and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson and today is Mental Monday.
Mental Monday, if you're new to us, is where we spend on about five minutes teaching you one tip, tool or technique that you can implement in your life today or this week. And today's a little bit different because I have my three almost four year old daughter home sick from school and she is so sweet. She has a fever but she's laying here on my lap. So if you're watching the video, you can see the top of her little head. Maybe you can hear her breathing but we're doing it guys. We're balancing it all today and taking care of our babies and doing our work and she's my little helper today. So I wanted to talk today about choosing confusion. I see this so much with people that want to start mindset coaching businesses but I can say the same thing for really starting anything right is choosing to stay in confusion and this is why.
This is what I want to offer you so that we can understand how our brain naturally works. So there's no shame to it. There's no blame. This is just how our brain works.
Let me tell you this. Confusion is easier emotionally than failure because with failure we do have so much blame and shame. Confusion we can say someone didn't explain it to me or I didn't learn this or I'm not good at this. It feels almost external like externally to blame right.
Whereas I failed it's hard to blame other people. I mean we can but it's hard right. So confusion is actually the easier place to be emotionally. It's more comfortable for our brain to say well I just didn't know where to start. I didn't understand versus failure is you know I chose the wrong thing.
I spent precious energy or time or money on the wrong path and it didn't work out and it feels like a huge huge loss. Confusion is safe. I'm just staying here. There's no risk to staying confused. The problem of course is that you're not moving forward at all. You're just spinning in place and the way that I want to offer the sort of the switch of thinking about it is and this this can sound really kind of corny but I think it's really important for our brain to get really to practice thinking about failure as moving forward.
Like there's no way you're going to move forward on something and let's say you do fail and you did spend energy or time or money. Who are you after that experience? You're not the same person that you were before. Now maybe that one thing didn't work out but you becoming somebody that doesn't stay confused that my friends is worth all of it and I think when we practice it is not a natural thing for our brain. So when we practice that way of thinking we can get ourselves more emotionally comfortable with the possibility of failure because right now if we don't do that work between confusion and staying stuck and in one place and the possibility of failure, our brain is gonna choose and literally choose confusion.
Again, I see this with people that want to be mindset coaches and they just stay there. They say, well, I don't know where to start. I don't know anything about business. I don't know.
I don't know what to do. Where would I get clients? What would I charge? I don't know how to start.
I don't know anything about technology. And here's the thing. There's no guarantees on any new thing that you do. But if you really went for it, went through the confusion, trained your brain to get past the confusion and into action, spending energy, maybe spending time and money. And the person that you get to become on the other side of that is always worth it.
It is always better to be the person that has gone for it and failed than the person that stays confused. That I can promise you. But that is something that you have to choose.
You have to force yourself to think that through and do it often enough that your brain starts recognizing that it's okay to go forward. That being confused is not safer. It just feels like it. So that's my challenge for you today is to think of where you are choosing to stay confused. Because here's the thing.
Confusion is not an excuse. There's something called the internet. There is something called other people. There is something called YouTube. There are answers to what you want everywhere. If we choose to ask for help, if we choose to be proactive, if we choose to move forward, even if it's wrong, you are still becoming the person that doesn't stay confused. So that's my challenge for you, my friend, is to look at where you're choosing confusion and stop choosing confusion.
Choose something else. Alright guys, if you love this podcast, please share it with a friend. Just go ahead and text message it to him. Say, hey, I think you'd like this.
This is kind of an interesting topic. And if you really did love it, I would love if you would rate, review, and subscribe. That's what you can do to help this podcast grow and make sure that other people learn these crucial mental training skills. And as always, thanks for being here. Gracie says goodbye as well. You say bye. Bye. Bye. Alright, thanks guys. And we'll see you again next week.
Bye for now. Hey, if you loved this episode, make sure to check out all of our free and paid resources over at PositivePerformanceTraining.com. You want to take mindset training to the next level?
We got you. But here are three more specific ways. If you want to take mindset training and live it more in your life, definitely subscribe to this podcast. We send out bonus episodes. We have our Mental Mondays. We have interviews and training episodes.
Definitely subscribe. If you want to teach it, meaning taking it to your athletes or your clients, I highly recommend Psychology of Competition. Again, you can check that out at PositivePerformanceTraining.com.
It is a great course that will teach you and your athletes how to have pre, during, and post-competition routines to up your performance. And if you want to learn how to have a mindset coaching business in order to sell mindset coaching, highly recommend signing up for our waitlist for our next certification cohort, which usually opens about once a year. But in the meantime, go to PositivePerformanceTraining.com and check out our ultimate mindset coaching tool kit. Well, it will show you exactly how to get started with your first mindset coaching clients. Again, go to PositivePerformanceTraining.com for all of our free and paid resources.