Welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. I'm Lindsey Wilson and I am a high performance mindset coach, a mom, a former professional athlete and an entrepreneur. I help coaches and high performers optimize their mindset to improve their coaching, their performance and those of their athletes and their lives. Here you'll learn all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it and how to sell it. Hi all and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsay Wilson and it's Mental Monday.
Guys, I really like Mental Mondays and I hear from any of you that you like them too. I like talking about one little thing that you can do, you know, actionable things. We're not just going to sit around and think about doing better in our life. We're actually going to do things and oftentimes it is the small, simple things that make a huge difference.
Today I want to talk about starting where you are. I think that sometimes as driven people, sort of like our eyes are bigger than our stomach, you know, that term. Like we want to, I don't know, that's exactly the right term I'm thinking of, but like, you know, like you want to like skip steps, like you want to get there fast, you want to hustle, you want to like, you want to taste that success. And I think this is a really great thing. Like it's so wonderful to dream big and know how much hard work is going to go into that and really be excited about it.
And I think that's a really beautiful thing. So I don't want to tell you not to do that. I just also know that for some people, they get into a thought pattern of they want to skip steps or they want to get there fast or they want to rush. And the thought then becomes like, I'm not far enough along, or it's too late for me, or I should have done this earlier.
And here's the thought that I want you to replace all of that with, with just one thought. And it's, I have to start where I am. Or even rather, I get to start right here.
This is where I start. choose one of those thoughts to replace because I see people spiraling with that. I see it a lot in the certification. People, you know, look at me or look at some of our certified students, by the way, that some of them just started a few years ago, and they get into the comparison game of like, well, I want to be a mindset coach, and I'm not there yet, and I'm not even close, and like, it's too late for me. So like, that I'm just not, it's not gonna work. And it's like, but you're starting where you are. That's how we start everything. And instead of that like weight of like, oh, shit, I just, I should have done this earlier or like I wasted so much time in this other career or, and of course, this isn't just related to changing your careers or mindset coaching.
This is just in general, right? Like anything that you want to do or you're thinking about doing, we can get into that story loop of like, it's too late for me. I should have done this before. And it's like, you start where you start. You are starting, and another thought is, I am exactly where I need to be to start. Like just play with those thoughts and just replace it and then just like, sit with that new thought of I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.
And when you feel that, let that lead you. Because that is a feeling of abundance. That is a feeling of, I'm enough, I'm enoughness.
That's not a word, but it feels like it. I'm enoughness. And that's a really strong place to be.
And it's really the only place to be. It's what my coach calls sufficiency. Like, I have sufficiency right now. And from that place of confidence, then we move forward. We don't move forward from a place of insufficiency. We don't move forward from a place of lack. We don't move forward from a place of not being enough.
We just don't. That's scary. That's, that's danger to our brains.
So we will just go inwards. And I'm sure that you've seen this in other people. And you've probably, if you're being honest, felt it in yourself.
So let all that go and replace it with I'm exactly where I need to be to get started. Just try it. And let me know how it goes. Come on over to Instagram @lindseypositiveperform.
Let me know how it goes. I think this thought alone can change your entire day. And if you do it regularly, it can change your entire life. All right, guys, that's mental Monday for you. Talk to you soon. Bye for now.