Welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast. I'm Lindsey Wilson and I am a high-performance Mindset Coach, a mom, a former professional athlete and an entrepreneur. I help coaches and high performers optimize their mindset to improve their coaching, their performance and those of their athletes and their lives. Here you'll learn all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it and how to sell it.
Hi guys and welcome back to Mindset Coach Academy podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson and it's Mental Monday. I love my little mental Mondays and I hear from a lot of you that you like them too. So I hope that they are serving a purpose in your life.
I hope that they're a little thing that when you're off or when you're seeking or when you have five minutes, it's something that you can go back to and know that you're going to get an idea or spark of creativity or something to work on right now. Because isn't that what we all want? Is we want to be able to practice these things in real time on a Tuesday morning when everything feels like it's going to shit in our life. We need something to do and this is your thing for today.
It's this, do something today that is just for you. It's not for your health. It's not for other people. It's not for your finances. It's not for your job. It's not for anything.
It doesn't mean it can also benefit those things but it's really just for you, just for joy, just for pleasure, just for having a moment for yourself. That is your challenge for today. Do something just for you. That's it. That will shift your mindset. That is a way of taking control over your life. It is deciding that you are the most important thing and then everything flows from that. This is really, really important and it's something that is so simple and because it's simple, it is so easy to overlook. Today, again, what is that thing that is just for you?
Now, for me, a lot of times it is related to my health. It is working out. It is, I don't know, going to get a massage. It is eating a healthy meal, quote unquote, self-care. But it's not because I want to be healthier or because I want to lose weight or because, I don't know, I feel guilty about eating chocolate last night.
It's not that. It is just for me because I get to choose what I put in my body, what I do with my body, what I do with my time. Shifting that has a deep ripple effect in all other parts of your life. Again, your Mental Monday assignment is very simple. Choose one thing to do for yourself today.
Here's the thing. It may be something that you would have done anyway, but I want you to do it with the intention that it is for you. It is just for you.
It is just for the joy or the pleasure of doing it. And let me tell you that that shift will shift how you experience it. Make no mistake about it. It is not a small thing to shift that to it's for me. And just stepping into that, let's call it selfish mindset can be empowering in and of itself. To just take that moment and say, I am doing this for me. That is a really strong, powerful place to be.
And I encourage you to do that today. All right, guys. So, hey, this is a special episode.
I mean, I think they're all special, but this is one where I definitely think you should click the little share button and you will see that you're doing it for yourself. And I hope you enjoyed this video. I will see you again next week for Mental Monday.
Bye for now.
Hi, guys. Lindsey here. If you love this podcast, I want to ask you to do three things to help us and to help us grow mindset and mental performance coaching. The first is to subscribe to this podcast. It helps us and it helps you because you'll never miss an important episode.
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And the third would please share an episode that particularly resonated with you with someone that you love. You'll be doing them a favor. I promise. All right, guys. Thanks so much for listening and we'll see you next week. Bye for now.