Hey guys, real quick, Lindsey here. Before we get into today's episode, I wanted to let you know that the next enrollment for the Mindset Coach Academy Certification Program opens in October. So if you've ever wanted to be a Mindset Coach or maybe you already are one and want to take it to the next level, I want to encourage you to check out all the details at positiveperformancetraining.com, click on Certification, and while you're there, that little insider tip is to join our wait list because the wait list gets first dibs at application and enrollment.
Alright, so onto today's episode. If you're interested in being a Mindset Coach, do check out the certification program.
Hey guys, and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy Podcast. My name is Lindsey Wilson and this is Mental Monday.
Hey, before we get into today's episode where I want to talk about the cost of wishing, we'll get into it. But I've been hearing from a lot of you guys on Instagram or email or in our Facebook groups about the fact that you are loving Mental Mondays. And so I just want to give a quick little shout out that if you do love these, One, you can always message me and tell me something that you think would make a great Mental Monday. I love hearing from our community and I will probably do it because I can usually find something to talk about in so many different topics and I love being inspired by other people.
I'm constantly inspired by other people but in a more official sense. Let's see, the other thing I would say is if you love today's Mental Monday or really any of them, would you do me a favor and share it with somebody else that you think would love it? Because I know that I share a lot of podcasts with friends but I think there's especially something kind of fun about sharing something that's short because people are more likely to listen to it, let's be honest. And if it's a five minute episode, it can really be something that alters someone's day. That's what I love about the Mental Mondays, that's why I do them. So anyway, thanks for all the great feedback from all of you guys about Mental Mondays in particular in the podcast. And of course we would love a rating and review. I so appreciate all those.
I do go read them and I just appreciate each one of you that have taken the time to do that. Okay, so I wanna talk about the cost of wishing. And I want you to imagine that all of the things or even a particular place in your life that you wish was different. You wish your relationships were different.
You wish your business was different. Your career was different. Your family life was different.
Your health was different. Whatever it is that you are spending energy wishing it was different. I want you to imagine that as actual like space in your life and in your brain. And in particular that space is actually energy. So I want you to imagine that it's all like bundled up like this energetic space mound of stuff.
And I want you to imagine that then you can go spend that in any way that you want. That we spend so much energy, time, space on wishing things were different. And this is a kind of a sunk hidden cost that until we take a moment like listening to something like this or reading a book or anything that kind of makes us be like, huh, how much time am I wasting wishing?
Now, this isn't to say that you can't have high goals and wish that you were there. It's not really that it's more like wishing without action. And it kind of reminds me of the Serenity Prayer. Like, you know, the God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Like that wisdom to know the difference. Like if we are just wishing things to be different, but we're not actually changing anything, actually having the courage to change the things that you can, then it's wasted. It's nothing. It is it is energy that leaves and we never get it back. But now I want you to imagine that you did get it back in this moment. And you had all this energy to then put towards actually making change in your life. And again, I think this is a good way to to think of one area in your life that you are spending time a lot of times as a daily or maybe multiple times a day that we wish, wish, wish, wish, wish.
When if we took all that energy, even from now on, and we spent it in a different way, man, how much we could change, how much good we could do for ourselves and for the world. So that's my challenge for you today. Again, if you love this episode, go ahead and click share with a friend or a family member and thank you as always for being here and doing the hard work of working on our mindset with me. We're doing this together.
I'll see you soon.
Hey, if you love this episode, make sure to check out all of our free and paid resources over at positiveperformancetraining.com. You want to take mindset training to the next level, we got you, but here are three more specific ways. If you want to take mindset training and live it more in your life, definitely subscribe to this podcast, we send out bonus episodes, we have our mental Mondays, We have interviews and training episodes.
Definitely subscribe. If you want to teach it, meaning taking it to your athletes or your clients, I highly recommend Psychology of Competition. Again, you can check that out at positiveperformancetraining.com.
It is a great course that will teach you and your athletes how to have pre, during, and post-competition routines to up your performance. And if you want to learn how to have a mindset coaching business, in order to sell mindset coaching, highly recommend signing up for our wait list for our next certification cohort, which usually opens about once a year. But in the meantime, go to positiveperformancetraining.com and check out our ultimate mindset coaching toolkit. Well, it will show you exactly how to get started with your first mindset coaching clients. Again, go to positiveperformancetraining.com for all of our free and paid resources.