Welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy Podcast. I'm Lindsay Wilson and I am a high-performance mindset coach, a mom, a former professional athlete and entrepreneur. I help coaches and high performers optimize their mindset to improve their coaching, their performance and those of their athletes and their lives. Here you'll learn all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it and how to sell it. Hi guys and welcome back to the Mindset Coach Academy Podcast.
My name is Lindsay Wilson and it is Mental Monday. I want to talk today about some powerful coaching questions that you can ask yourself today right now or you can use with your clients, your students, your athletes, the people that you lead, your kids, your spouse, all the things. I think the coaching questions that to me the best coaching questions help us move from stuck to creative solutions. It takes us from that initial block that our brain often has from new things and the discomfort that it wants to avoid to another layer.
That's what I think the best coaching questions do. And the great news is, is that they're simple. Anybody can use them. You can use them on yourself at any point. You just have to remember to use them. They're such a great tool. I'm thinking about this because I just did an Instagram reel on one of the most powerful coaching questions that I use.
And you can go to at Lindsay Positive Perform to join on Instagram and see that reel. But I wanted to talk a little bit about that question that I'm gonna share in a second and then a couple others that have been really helpful. Really for me in my personal life and in my coaching practice. And I would say the first question is really helpful when we're feeling like we don't know the answer.
That is such a common response. you know, like I can get overwhelmed at work or I can be, you know, starting something new and I don't know how to do it. And my initial thought could be something like, I don't know how to do this, or I don't know what I want, or I'm not sure which step to take, or I don't know what the solution is.
And the question is, well, what if you did know? This is such a beautiful question, you guys, because this takes you from, I don't have to be right. I don't have to be 100 % sure, but if I had to guess, which is another great question, if you had to guess what the problem was, or you have, if you had to guess, guess what the solution is, this happens a lot with business, right, like I want to get to the next level in my business, well, I don't know how. Well, if I had to guess, or if you did know, those two questions are really, really powerful, because they put your brain from, I have to get this right, which so much, so many of us feel that way, like we're in the, you know, back in middle school, like raising our hand and we have to be right.
to a creative solution and here's what it does. It, again, it removes that perfectionist of like it has to be right and it puts us in this curious mindset and with that curious mindset gives us space to trust that we do know. You guys, these are really powerful shifts. To be able to move from, I don't know, I have to get this right, what if I screw up? To like, huh, I can do this, I can figure it out. And here's the thing, even if I'm wrong, I'm gonna do the process again. I'm just gonna keep asking the right questions.
And that's so much of what self-coaching is and so much of what coaching is, is helping lead somebody there. I think another, so those are the two that I would recommend first, like just is from like a universal usability is, what if you did know? And if I had to guess, or if you had to guess, what would you say?
Those are so great. I mean, imagine how many times you've been with a student or an athlete or your kid and they say, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what to do. I don't know what the answer is. And then you just don't, you know, and you can say, well, well, well, what if you didn't know or if you had to guess, those are so powerful and you will literally see them and you can feel this in yourself too. Sort of just like relax a little bit and go to somewhere else in their brain.
And it looks like that because it's true. You're going from problem solving in like a linear way to problem solving in a creative way. Okay. So those two questions are really powerful. I think another one is something along the lines of like, well, if you had a magic wand, this is great for anybody that has like a stuck mentality or a blocked mentality to be able to see the possibility of what they want and help them really get clarity on what they want because here's the problem is we don't, if we don't believe something is possible, it's really hard to allow ourselves to even imagine it and allow ourselves to even believe that we should be working towards it. It's like we have this block to, so we don't get disappointed.
Right. And so oftentimes when I'm coaching people or coaching myself, like trying to remove all the like, limiting thoughts that we've put on ourselves, societies put on us, whatever, to like, if you had a magic wand, and again, that gets us into that creative, curious, almost like playful childlike state of like, oh, okay, so I don't have to say for sure that this is possible, I just have to say, if there was magic around me, and when we do that, we open ourselves up to different possibilities. Whether we wanna go for them or not is a different question, but at least being open to them, and they will see things, and you will see things if you do this yourself, that you didn't see before. If you had a magic wand, if you were, you know, just dream, what is out there? What do you, if you had no limitations, what would you want?
That's another quick question. If you had no limitations, what would you want? And this puts you in this possibility space.
So those are the questions I would recommend. If you had a magic wand, if anything were possible, what if you didn't know? and then of course, if I had to guess, or if you had to guess.
So you guys, these questions are so simple, but I really encourage you to try them first on yourself. So whatever your mindset is on right now, just try one of these basically four that I gave you and just allow yourself to start digging a little bit deeper and not just stop with your first fear-based thought that is just a thought and go a little bit deeper. And when you get into this habit, it's gonna be really a lot easier for you to do this for somebody else.
I know we often wanna start with somebody else, but I really encourage you to start with yourself. So those are my powerful coaching questions. Take them, use them, you will see how powerful they are. They're so simple, so powerful.
Put them in your toolbox and use them. All right, guys, I will see you next week. Hey, if you love this podcast, click on it right now and share it with somebody. I know you have somebody in your life, especially somebody that thinks like you, that's into this mindset stuff, maybe another coach, maybe another parent, maybe your best friend, go ahead and text it to them and tell them how powerful this episode today was for you. We can all use better questions to ask ourselves.
When we get in the habit of coaching ourselves, we make progress faster. All right, guys, all for now. We'll see you again next week.
Thanks, bye. Hey, if you love this episode, make sure to check out all of our free and paid resources over at positiveperformancetraining.com. You wanna take mindset training to the next level, we got you, but here are three more specific ways. If you wanna take mindset training and live it more in your life, definitely subscribe to this podcast.
We send out bonus episodes, we have our mental Mondays, we have interviews and training episodes, definitely subscribe. If you wanna teach it, meaning taking it to your athletes or your clients, I highly recommend Psychology of Competition. Again, you can check that out at positiveperformancetraining.com.
It is a great course that will teach you and your athletes how to have pre, during and post-competition routines to up your performance. And if you wanna learn how to have a mindset coaching business, in order to sell mindset coaching, highly recommend signing up for our wait list for our next certification cohort, which usually opens about once a year. But in the meantime, go to positiveperformancetraining.com and check out our ultimate mindset coaching toolkit. Well, it will show you exactly how to get started with your first mindset coaching clients.
Again, go to positiveperformancetraining.com for all of our free and paid resources. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, nine,