Welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy Podcast. I'm Lindsay Wilson and I am a high-performance mindset coach, a mom, a former professional athlete and entrepreneur. I help coaches and high performers optimize their mindset to improve their coaching, their performance and those of their athletes and their lives. Here you'll learn all about mindset, how to live it, how to teach it and how to sell it. Hi, all, and welcome to the Mindset Coach Academy podcast.
My name is Lindsay Wilson, and it's Mental Monday. And I just want to introduce just a little question thought, little nugget for you to think about today. And that is, sometimes we learn to grow, and sometimes we learn to procrastinate.
And I want you to just be aware that this is a possibility. Some of us use learning as a way to avoid taking action. When we are learning, we are consuming. We are consuming someone else's insight and brain and learnings and, you know, wisdom. And sometimes we stay there.
too long or too often, and we really need to be able to balance that by creating and developing our own wisdom, our own ability to communicate, our own ability to put our message out there. So again, no big answers in today's episode, but more questions for you to just sort of put in your brain, that we always have to balance learning with creating, consuming with putting our own stuff out there, and just making sure that that balance is there because hey, we all want to learn, we all want to grow, but sometimes we can stay in that consuming other people's stuff for far too long, and here's what happens. We don't develop in ourselves the ability to create our own wisdom. We don't get the muscle memory of trusting our own ability to take this information, synthesize it and come up with something new or different or just more tailored to our own life. And we don't. allow ourselves to get out there.
And what we do is we often stay in that mentality of just one more. So I need to read one more book. I need to take one more course. I need to get certified in one more thing. And hey, we'd have a certification.
I would love to have you join our certification, but for the right reasons, right? Because if we consistently think, well, there's one more thing that I need to get in order to be qualified to put my message out there, then that is always gonna be the case. There will always be one more thing, and then you'll be ready.
You know, I'm putting that in quotation marks. Then you'll be ready to put your stuff out there. And I think the root of all this is a perfectionist mentality.
You know, that I need to get one more thing, and then what I put out there will be done. And that's just not how creating works. Like, I think of things that I've written from before, and I'm like, well, my mentality has really changed since then, or that wasn't complete, or frankly, that was really bad in some cases. And so recognizing that, But if you stay in the learning component, you're never going to get to that place where your creations are better than what they could be right now.
And they're never going to be perfect. So we have to always be balancing that learning and consuming with creating and just knowing that that is an ongoing process. And no one book or one course or one certification is going to solve that for you to where like what you put out there and create is all of a sudden going to be perfect because that book you read.
Like that's just not how it works. So again, making sure you are learning for the right reasons and that you're balancing it with creating your own wisdom and your own stuff out in the world. All right. So that's my message for today. If you like this message, please, please share this with someone that you care about.
Click the link and just send it in a text message to say, Hey, you know, I think you'd enjoy this podcast. Take a look. It's five minutes. I would so appreciate it. And while you're there, you can rate and review it because that really does help us grow this podcast. All right, guys, all for now. I'll see you again next week.
Have a great day.
Hey, if you love this episode, make sure to check out all of our free and paid resources over at PositivePerformanceTrain.com. You want to take mindset training to the next level?
We got you. But here are three more specific ways. If you want to take mindset training and live it more in your life, definitely subscribe to this podcast. We send out bonus episodes.
We have our mental Mondays. We have interviews and training episodes. Definitely subscribe. If you want to teach it, meaning taking it to your athletes, your clients, I have a highly recommend psychology of competition. Again, you can check that out at PositivePerformanceTrain.com. It is a great course that will teach you and your athletes how to have pre, during, and post-competition routines to up your performance. And if you want to learn how to have a mindset coaching business in order to sell mindset coaching, highly recommend signing up for our wait list for our next certification cohort, which usually opens about once a year. But in the meantime, go to PositivePerformanceTrain.com and check out our ultimate mindset coaching toolkit. It will show you exactly how to get started with your first mindset coaching clients. Again, go to PositivePerformanceTraining.com for all of our free and paid resources.