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The 8-Day Challenge To Build Your
Dream BusinessAs A Mindset Coach

Set up the foundational pieces of a real business in 8 days.
Start The Challenge

It's easy to spend all of your time learning new coaching tools + techniques

But what about building your coaching business

Being forever in learning mode without big bold action behind it costs you time and money.

Without action, you aren’t actually becoming a well-paid mindset coach or making an impact with your clients.

That's why I've created a simple step-by-step 8 Day Challenge for Aspiring Mindset coaches.

No more waiting.

No more wondering where to start.

No more DIY'ing it, but not really getting anywhere.

No more wasting time Googling it and getting a hundred different opinions. 

Give me 30 minutes a day for 8 days to put in place 8 foundational pieces for your future business. 

Transform yourself into someone who can start a mindset coaching business (for real. NO MATTER your experience). 

I will have you set up with 8 key foundational pieces for your future business. Foundational pieces that you can then build on. We will blow your own mind… together.

No more guessing....

No more waiting....

No more being confused as to where to start.

(I got you). I'll take you step by step. You'll learn with bite size assignments that build off each other. After 18 years in this business, I know how to get you started with clarity, focus and confidence (whether you know nothing about business or even if you've been doing this a few years... this is stuff you'll keep coming back to you as you build your business.)

Get it today for:


Start The Challenge

Here's what you'll have in place
by the end of this challenge:

Your 8 Foundational Pieces

You'll walk away setup with the 8 foundational pieces for your future business. Foundational pieces that you can then build on.


A Realistic Path Forward

A doable, realistic path forward that has you thinking, f*** yeah I can do this. You do not have to figure out the path on your own. 

Confidence About Your Next Move

You'll have the belief and confidence to move forward. This challenge will help you discover once and for all if you want to move forward and do this 'for real' (or not).

Isn’t it time for you to have the full impact on the world that you desire?

Say goodbye to wondering where to start (and then being mad at yourself for not getting started) and get going building your dream mindset coaching business.

Start helping more people and making more money in your Mindset and Mental Performance business today. 

Get it today for:


Start The Challenge

I'm Lindsey and I'll be your guide as you build a successful mindset coaching business.

Why did I create this challenge? When I started as Mindset Coach, I was still a professional basketball player. I had been lucky to learn mindset coaching tools at a young age so I knew a little about what to teach and I knew personally that the tools worked.

But I had NO idea about how to start or run a business. I had no experience even working (unless you call playing hoops working!)

And I had no mentors or coaches (and no idea where to look to find them). I just figured it out step by step.

But man did I waste SO MUCH TIME (and lost so much money) doing that. I wasted so much time spinning in 'I don't know' unsure which steps to take next. I made so many mistakes… obvious ones that I didn’t have to make if I’d had a guide.

And now, as the world needs more mindset coaches, I see SO many of you on the sidelines. Not because you don’t know about mindset tools (you can always learn more). Not because you lack passion or drive. But because you aren’t sure where to start. There is almost TOO much information out there. It’s easy to get lost in google and youtube land and still not make any progress.

What you need is a simple framework to take you from where you are right now to the foundational pieces of a business. 

You’ll be SHOCKED by how much you can accomplish in 8 days because you’ll waste NO TIME in the drama of I don’t know. You’ll know what to do because I am going to tell you. Step by step.

I got you.

This is what I wish someone had told me when I was first starting. It would have saved me time and made me so much money so much sooner.
This is why you need this 8 Day Challenge.

I’m going to make it easy for you to take massive action. 

You’ll get simple step by step directions so you can execute on building the foundation of your future business.

After 8 days you are going to feel amazing. Confident. Ready. You are going to prove to yourself that you can do this!

What previous students had to say:

"Biggest take-away from the 8 steps?- really narrowing down who I want to work with and TRULY knowing I can do this. Thank you!"


"The 8 steps were just what I needed to get everything moving, to actually take "plans" and put them in action. I know I am ready to do this. Application here I come."


"The 8 steps has pushed me out of my comfort zone and showed me that I had a whole bunch of excuses as to why I shouldn't pursue this whole heartedly.
Application? - Check!"


Ready to get started? 

If you're tired of waiting and ready to start building your mindset coaching business today, get the 8 Day Challenge today.

Start the Challenge