5 Myths About Confidence confidence Jul 01, 2022

From the TedX speaker who captivates their audience the moment they step on the stage, to the high school athlete who strikes without hesitation, confidence demands to be noticed. This all-but palpable trait is magnetic and mysterious, and it seems to be attached to virtually every high performer an...

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8 Ways to Harness Your Inner Power confidence Jun 02, 2021

(For Athletes, Coaches, and High Performers)


When you hear the term ‘harnessing your inner power’, does it make you want to roll your eyes just a little bit? Don’t worry! I’m not about to gaze into a crystal ball, read tea leaves, or teach from an old scroll. I’m not that woo woo. As always, I’m...

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Confronting The Thoughts That Keep You Small (+ Free Worksheet) confidence May 01, 2021

Before a breakthrough always comes a moment of radical, painful honesty. A moment where we speak truth to ourselves, admit our weaknesses, and look our bullshit right in the eye.

Whether you’re silently weeping into your coffee, or flying high on life today, this is that moment. This is the moment ...

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THE BRAVR™2.0: Increase Athlete Focus competition confidence resilience Nov 05, 2019

In the video above, we talk about why we created the BRAVR™ Method and who it's for.

It can feel overwhelming starting a mental training program with your team, especially if you're also in charge of the Xs and Os.

That's why, we created The BRAVR™ Method.

If you have time to do just ONE THIN...

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The Top 5 Reasons to Visualize (w/ Scientific Proof) confidence visualization May 03, 2019

Visualization helps program the subconscious brain to be successful. Here are the 5 reasons you should start practicing visualization today.

#1. Builds Confidence

Visualizing success in your training or racing and you can subconsciously improve your belief in your abilities. We all compete accordi...

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The 1 thing women don't do (but need to) confidence lean in life coach lindsey wilson self-esteem speaking trust up-speak Jun 12, 2018

If you've never met me, I suppose you could say one of the last things people think about me is, "Wow, this woman really lacks confidence". I teach confidence, I speak in front of hundreds of people regularly about confidence, I try to exude strength and confidence in everything I do.

I FEEL confid...

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The Mindset of Confidence confidence Apr 03, 2018

"Confidence is simply that spiritual space where you feel free to focus on only those things you can control.” - Jerry Lynch, The Way of a Champion

When I was a younger athlete, I believed that my accomplishments would lead to confidence.  That if I did this or accomplished that, I’d walk around wi...

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5 Ways self-talk will help you now! confidence Mar 09, 2018

 By Olympian Courtney Thompson

“You should exercise unrelenting discipline over your thought patterns.  Cultivate only productive attitudes… You are the product of everything you put into your body and mind.”  -I Ching

In my experience, it’s pretty safe to assume that everyone wants to be confiden...

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